I haven't been posting much here lately as It seems that someone on the Newgrounds moderation either has it out for me personally or there is a total crackdown on NSFW material of certain characters (which seems less likely as a lot of people I follow draw the same characters.) A lot of my stuff, 16 pictures in this latest round, have been delisted, some posts that have been up for over a year, total being about 20 posts of mine being removed for seemingly no reason, at least none provided to me. At this point I have no clue what is allowed anymore nor do I care all that much how this site is being moderated. Stuff may get uploaded here still but more likely this will just be relegated to just what is here and mainly I will post stuff to other locations. If you like what I draw and want to continue seeing it follow over on X/twitter as that is the main location I have been posting on.